(dated September 2011)
written by Pamela Pilon of Bibmababy Online (ETSY, FACEBOOK)
Appeared in Home Grown, Parenting in the North Magazine (ISSUE 3)
Not only for lunches, but great for carrying markers, make-up, daycare toys, collection of cars, buttons, bows and more! This project takes about 2 hours to complete.
Let's get started.
What You Will Need.
- Scissors or Rotary cutter and mat
- ¾ meter of heavyweight cotton, canvas or jean
- 2 inches of hook and loop tape or snaps and snap press
- 34 inches of Double-fold bias tape
- Pins
- Sewing machine
- Fabric pencil
Cutting Your Pieces.
Cut 1 cotton piece 30 inches x 14 ½ inches (Main Piece) Note: If you are using a Direction Print, cut 2 cotton pieces 15 ½ inches x 14 ½ inches and sew at the 15 ½ inch edges with a ½ inch seam allowance, making sure fabrics are in opposite direction. Once folded, the print should fall in the right direction. Press seam open. For the purpose of this tutorial, I will be using a Directional Print.
- Cut 1 cotton piece 4 ½ inches x 5 ½ inches (Pocket Square)
- Cut 1 strip of bias tape 28 inches
- Cut 1 strip bias tape 5 ½ inches
Making Your Bag.
* All seam allowances are ½ inch unless otherwise noted.
Pin Tucking.
2. Fold on the 3 inches line and press. Topstitch over the fold line at ⅛ inch. (Make sure to backstitch at both ends!)
3. Repeat on the other side.
5. Fold the short side under by a ½ inch. Press.
6. Fold the bottom of the Pocket Square under by ½ inch. Press.
7. With your Main Piece's print-side facing up, place your Pocket Square print-side down 6 inches below the top of the Main Piece and center it horizontally. Pin in Place.
* Note: Remember to fold out the flaps from your pin tucking on the back.
8. Stitch it place, beginning at the top left corner, going down the edges at ⅛ inch, and come across the bottom and then finally up the right side. Leave the top unstitched and remember to backstitch!
Coming Together.
9. With print sides together, fold the Main Piece in half. Pin in Place.
10. Stitch the raw edges together, backstitching at both ends. Press open the seams. Note: Use a serger, pinking shears for a zigzag stitch to finish the seams.
The Gusset.
12. Repeat on the other side.
14. Repeat on the right side. This will create a triangle shape. Pin in Place.
15. Stitch a straight line across to connect both dots you drew in Step 11. Backstitch both ends.
16. Repeat Steps 11-15 onto other side of bag.
17. Once repeated trim both triangle shapes. Finish with a ½ inch seam allowance on each gusset.
Finishing Touches.
18. Turn the bag right side out. Attach the 28 inch strip of bias tape to the top raw edge. Stitch in place.
19. Center the rough part of the hook and loop take horizontally on the front of the lunch bag, 3½ inches away from the top edge, and pin in place. Note: Feeling adventurous? You can use snaps instead. Why not try a button or two and some button holes!
20. Attach the hook and look tape security to the bag by stitching close to the edge.
21. Center the soft part of the hook and loop tape horizontally on the back of the lunch bag , directly below the bis tape. Pin in place.
22. Attach the hook and look tape security to the bag by stitching close to the edge.
23. We're done! Enjoy your custom lunch bag!

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