Organic Twill Blue Carrier w/Embroidery Applique
Retails for $149.95 CAD
Stylish, comfortable but a little hard to use with Kate. This is my first carrier so I don't have much to compare it to - other than the Baby Bjorn that was second-hand. She's a little too short and unless I strap myself in to the point for barely being able to breathe... she slips through. I'm hoping it gets easier to use once she grows into it. Basically my only peeve, I wish it had a better design for newborns like I saw in other brands. I'm also dealing with the aftermath of shoulder surgery pains and the limitations of arm movement... it's difficult for me to strap her in when I'm wearing this on my front. I couldn't imagine doing this alone when she's on my back - this is clearly a 2-person job. I have a few slings, but slings seems to put far too much pressure on ONE shoulder. The ErgoBaby spreads the weight evenly and I can see myself carrying her for longer periods of time - Kate just need to grow a bit before I stopped worrying about dropping my baby!
Comparing this to the Baby Bjorn that was lent to me? I choose the ErgoBaby hands down. I keep my carrier in my trunk. Sometimes its just easier to use the carrier than lugging out the stroller.
There are a couple tricks to getting baby on your back that make the Ergo easier. If you popped down to the Extraordinary Baby Shoppe (Ottawa), we'd be happy to show you how to do it! Depending on the age of your baby, you might find that the infant insert makes things easier (I don't like the insert, personally). From you description, though, it sounds like she's under the 15lb mark -- I'd suggest buying or borrowing an infant insert to use until she's a bit bigger. This isn't a great carrier with a small baby.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite carrier with <15lb babies is the Sleepywrap. It's inexpensive, easy to use, easy to wash, and has a much more natural feel for mom and baby. I was back at work 2 weeks postpartum and could easily wear my newborn for 6hrs at a time, if necessary, on my shift.
If you come down to the shop some Saturday, I'd be happy to show you how to use one. ;) I really didn't care for SSCs (soft-structured carriers) until Obi (now 5mos) was about 4mos old (16lbs).
I was thinking of getting one of these for the next kiddo :)
ReplyDeletePam, I know I sound like a snobby snoberson, but if you are going to pay $150.00 for a sling, you may as well go Didymos: You don't have to wear it on one shoulder and the material is woven so it won't stretch, and you can do the two-shoulder set up! But don't listen to me, I'm a didy snob :)
ReplyDeleteHaha - listen here snobby... I would never pay that much for a sling... you know me. I'm as cheap as they get!!! I got this combo for under $90 with the fanny pack (insert remark here). I met with a lady at Extraordinary Baby Shoppe, and she showed me how to use it without the newborn insert by using a blanket. So now Kate can sit froggy style inside - and I am left without a sore back. In your words... "Amazeballs". PS - needs help with their website... ISH!!! Maybe I'll have to propose a swap with them.