I was so pleased with my last shipment of
Monkey Doodlez diapers, that I decided to order a few more from their website. I perused through their Clearance section and selected cute diapers in red, blue and white polka dots, dusty rose, baby blue, and what I thought was a colour called “celery green”.

Unfortunately, my fingers worked faster than my brain and I checked off a box called “Kool Kat”. Apparently, “kool kat” is baby talk for leopard underwear. My first instinct was.. I NEED to return these. Who in their right minds would dress their newborn baby girl in a slightly offensive 70’s inspired print? Then I remembered who her parents were. I am keeping these for comedic purposes. Kate will wear leopard proudly! Here’s a peek at some of the diapers I’ve purchased in the last month or so...